No infraction as defined by the MIPG has been committed, so I won't issue a penalty. But how should we fix this situation?
The creased card and the three other Snapcaster Mages are two different issues and should be handled differently.
The damaged card meets all criterions for a card that the MTR (3.4) instruct us to replace with a proxy. Since the artwork does not only make the card unrecognizable, but also offensive, the original card should not be used in public zones. The MTR allow us to handle it this way.
"The original card is kept nearby during the match and replaces the proxy while in a public zone as long
as it is
The other cards shouldn't be replaced with proxies, because that's just not what proxies are made for. The cards aren't damaged or marked in any other way. We, being the headjudge of the tournament, just disallowed them because the MTR instruct us to do so (MTR 3.3). We should treat these non-damaged Snapcaster Mages like any other card that's in the deck but shouldn't be there: We instruct the player to find suitable copies within a reasonable amount of time. Waiting for the end of the round to do so can be acceptable, because in this situation the player can use the cards that need to be replaced without having an advantage in the game. This depends on how offensive the cards are. I'm not joking here: If I think the cards are offensive enough, I will instruct the player to find replacements immediately. We just cannot ignore the fact that many tournaments involve minors. If the player fails to find suitable replacements, the cards are replaced with basic lands of his/her choice.
In the given situation, 2 suitable copies of Snapcaster Mage can be found. There are three cards to be replaced with original copies, because the damaged card can be replaced with a proxy. So one Snapcaster Mage is replaced with a basic land of the player's choice. The card that's replaced is not marked, but the respective remedy looks appropriate to me, see IPG 3.8, MTR 3.11.
I will also instruct the player to let the headjudge check his altered cards next time.
I like the idea of providing temporal proxies for the remainder of the round, but I don't see the MTR give us the chance to do so, especially because the cards we're talking about are not damaged.
Edited Jasper König (May 1, 2013 06:40:08 PM)