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How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?

March 16, 2017 11:10:01 AM

Russell Deutsch
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?


I wrote an L1 advancement review for a Judge on Feb 1st, 2017 that did not port over correctly to the new JudgeApps review. All the info is included except for the Judge's name, which comes up as “Unknown User.”

How do I fix this? Is there an edit button for reviews that I'm not seeing?


March 16, 2017 11:19:14 AM

John Temple
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Chicago, Illinois, United States

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?


We still have access to this data internally and are working on a fix for this. I'm sure a timeline will be out soon for that fix.


March 16, 2017 11:35:20 AM

John Temple
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Chicago, Illinois, United States

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?

Now there is a fix! If you look at the review with Unknown User at the bottom of the review it has a section called Historical Data. This will list your rating for that judge along with that judge's name.

March 16, 2017 11:50:48 AM

Paul Baranay
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Northeast

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?

In addition to John's note, here are some relevant excerpts from our blog post announcing reviews (which was published after you posted ;) ):

If one of your reviews was attributed to an “Unknown User”, but that person actually has a JudgeApps account, let us know by filing a help request. Your request should include links to the affected review and the correct JudgeApps account. Similarly, please reach out if any of your reviews appear to be missing.


In the near future, we’ll change how these mismatched reviews are displayed, so that the name of the reviewer/subject appears properly in the review list and other places.

Hope this helps!

March 16, 2017 12:07:25 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?

Paul, on the subject of Unknown User reviews…

I have about 40 of those, as I'm sure many of the longer-term judges will; do you want us to submit dozens of help request, or is it safe for us to assume you'll attend to those?

Also, if I don't act on an old review, will we lose track of who that was, in the future (i.e., post-Judge Center)?

Most of all: THANKS!!! I'm excited to see this feature, and ready to watch it evolve. Many, many kudos to all, esp. Dan!


March 16, 2017 12:35:35 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?

Originally posted by Scott Marshall:

I have about 40 of those, as I'm sure many of the longer-term judges will; do you want us to submit dozens of help request, or is it safe for us to assume you'll attend to those?

It is not necessary to submit a help request for “Unknown User” unless that person does actually have a JudgeApps account. If so, then feel free to bundle them all into one help request for all of yours - linking to the review, and the correct user account, for each one.

Originally posted by Scott Marshall:

Also, if I don't act on an old review, will we lose track of who that was, in the future (i.e., post-Judge Center)?

You will not “lose track” of that - in fact, we still have all that information, and are presenting it as part of the “Historical Data” section towards the bottom of the review. We (Paul) are still working on the best way to present this information, but rest assured that it will be integrated with the “infobox” at the very top of the review page, and with the review search feature, Soon(TM).

March 17, 2017 04:13:50 AM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

How to fix a Review that didn't port over correctly?


thank you all for such a piece-of-art addon in the Judge Apps! Astonishingly well implemented!

Is there a chance we will be able to modify the imported reviews in order to link them with events in Judge Apps? Let's say to have now - after the import - a period of time where we could add linked events in spite of the fact the review is more that a week old? I guess we would not need this permanently. Maybe for a month or so, to allow anyone who would want to do it…

But, it is just a minor issue anyway and many people would probably not utilize it, so just ignore it. I guess you have better things to do :-D