I feel like you did the right thing here, mentioning to the player that they'd need to play faster. The one thing I would do differently though is to emphasize to the player that playing slowly is not OK at all levels of play, not only Comp REL. While you can't give Warnings and so on at Regular REL, that doesn't mean it's OK to eat all the clock time and give your opponent draws, that's not fun for anyone. So I would have encouraged the player to play faster in all tournament types and at all RELs, not just Competitive. Failing to do this might (depending on the player) give the player the impression that Comp REL is the place to go after you've mastered your deck and can make decisions quickly, while Regular REL is the “training grounds” so to speak, where you have the leeway to take things at your leisure and eat clock time, which is not what we want.
Edited Lyle Waldman (April 25, 2017 06:47:48 AM)