Edited Joe Klopchic (May 17, 2017 01:28:30 PM)
Edited April Miller (May 17, 2017 10:52:55 PM)
Originally posted by April Keeler:Just wondering
Option B: Abby missed her Shefet Monitor trigger entirely. Have her shuffle up her deck to resume playing without resolving Shefet Monitor's triggered ability. GPE - Missed Trigger, no penalty.
So, no infraction for picking and looking through library?Good point. GPE - Looking at Extra Cards. Duh.
Edited Joe Klopchic (May 23, 2017 02:20:23 PM)
Originally posted by IPG:
Infractions with the same root cause are treated as a single infraction.
Drawing the card and declining to search is legal, so there was no infraction the moment Abby drew a card. Nova couldn't have been sure there was an issue until Abby started searching.
Edited Jeff S Higgins (May 22, 2017 09:57:30 PM)
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