Edited Jacopo Strati (June 6, 2017 09:41:02 AM)
If an object is in an incorrect zone either due to a required zone change being missed or due to being put into the wrong zone during a zone change, the identity of the object was known to all players, and it can be moved with only minor disruption to the current state of the game, put the object in the correct zone.
Originally posted by Jonas Drieghe:
Given the GPE-GRV, a possible partial fix could be:
If an object is in an incorrect zone either due to a required zone change being missed or due to being put into the wrong zone during a zone change, the identity of the object was known to all players, and it can be moved with only minor disruption to the current state of the game, put the object in the correct zone.
Since moving it now to its correct location would in my opinion be disruptive (because the fetch should have shuffled the library), I would not apply this partial fix.
We could easily do a backup, which in this scenario feels not very disruptive. No random elements are involved, no combat happened, …
The only relevant decision was the fetch, enabling the possibility that because of our backup the player could now make a different decision.
If you feel that this is too disruptive (I personally don't) you can always leave the game state as is, but that feels substantially worse in my opinion.
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:Out of curiosity, where do you find document support for the shuffle besides the somewhat ambiguous “put it in the correct zone”?
I believe that this falls under the incorrect zone change partial fix, and
so I'd just shuffle the Approach of the Second Sun into the library at this
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:
I believe that this falls under the incorrect zone change partial fix, and
so I'd just shuffle the Approach of the Second Sun into the library at this
Edited Jacopo Strati (June 6, 2017 06:34:51 AM)
Originally posted by Jonas Drieghe:
Out of curiosity, where do you find document support for the shuffle besides the somewhat ambiguous “put it in the correct zone”?
I interpreted this as “put in in the library seventh from the top” (or at least where it should have been if a draw would have happened instead of a shuffle).
Edited Charlotte Sable (June 6, 2017 07:48:19 AM)
Originally posted by Jacopo Strati:The problem with this approach is that a full backup for a GRV is only allowed if the situation doesn't fall under any of the partial fix categories. This situation clearly falls under the “wrong zone” partial fix and so it's not eligible for a full rewind or leaving the game state as it is.
It does, but I think that in this specific case a backup is a better option.
If a player made an illegal choice (including no choice where required) for a static ability generating a continuous effect still on the battlefield, that player makes a legal choice. A
simple backup to clear problems generated by the illegal choice may be considered.
On A simple backup should not involve any random elements.
// Added through Annotated IPG:
If you are backing up through a shuffle or returning random cards from the hand to the library or anything of the sort, we are no longer in the realm of “simple”. Stop.
Edited Jonas Drieghe (June 6, 2017 06:44:36 AM)
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:
The problem with this approach is that a full backup for a GRV is only allowed if the situation doesn't fall under any of the partial fix categories
Edited Jacopo Strati (June 6, 2017 06:56:54 AM)
Originally posted by Jonas Drieghe:Yes, but the library is going to be shuffled again soon after. We're repeating the shuffle, so the problems inherent with rewinding a shuffle disappear. (Also, all my love and respect to the AIPG team, but the annotations are explanations and examples, not policy itself.)
A simple backup should not involve any random elements.
Originally posted by Jacopo Strati:The beginning of the Additional Remedy section for GRV states “If the infraction falls into one of the following categories, and only that category, perform the fix specified unless a simple backup is possible.” After the list of partial fixes, it continues “Otherwise, a backup may be considered or the game state left as it is.”
My understanding of that paragrapf was that a fix is applicable as long as the error fits in it and doing it would not be too disruptive for the game state.
If it is, then we can consider a backup. Am I wrong?
Edited Charlotte Sable (June 6, 2017 06:58:07 AM)
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:
I read this as meaning that the only two options for the specified classes of error are the partial fix or a simple back up. The general “backup or leave the game state as it is” fix is only for GRVs that don't fall under these categories.
Edited Jacopo Strati (June 6, 2017 07:17:42 AM)
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:Nice insights, thanks!
Yes, but the library is going to be shuffled again soon after. We're repeating the shuffle, so the problems inherent with rewinding a shuffle disappear. (Also, all my love and respect to the AIPG team, but the annotations are explanations and examples, not policy itself.)
Originally posted by Charlotte Sable:I think Jacopo was trying to point out that he considers it NOT to fall in the category because:
I read this as meaning that the only two options for the specified classes of error are the partial fix or a simple back up. The general “backup or leave the game state as it is” fix is only for GRVs that don't fall under these categories.
…and it can be moved with only minor disruption to the current state of the game…
Originally posted by Jacopo Strati:
"If an object is in an incorrect zone either due to a required zone change being missed or due to being put into the wrong zone during a zone change, the identity of the object was known to all players, and it can be moved with only minor disruption to the current state of the game, put the object in the correct zone."
I think that the bolded sentence could applicable in this situation: if I believe that just shuffling AofSS in Anna's library is disruptive, I can do a backup instead. :D
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