Edited Abdulrahman Alhadhrami (Aug. 30, 2017 03:21:37 PM)
Originally posted by Abdulrahman Alhadhrami:
Who decides if a player's claim of feeling unwelcomed is genuine or not?
Who decides if something is really unwelcoming or not?
Originally posted by Mark Mason:
Then ask the players if they would both feel comfortable with high fiving, shaking hands, fist bumping, etc… and going forward from here. When you get some physical contacts (at least for most players) this can be the first layer of a bond. This is one quick technique. Enjoy.
Edited Rebecca Lawrence (Aug. 30, 2017 07:19:53 PM)
Kids that attend a prerelease, excited to play with the grown-ups, who open a rare card and then someone comes saying “look, this is a 7/7 dragon with flying, you’ll be unstoppable with this, let me trade it for that ugly golden card you just opened”.
Edited Alice Bailey (Sept. 15, 2017 01:23:18 AM)
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