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Judging Technology » Post: wer not having correct penalty

wer not having correct penalty

Oct. 14, 2017 09:47:34 AM

Robert Langmaid
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Canada - Eastern Provinces

wer not having correct penalty

hi all judging a pptq today issued a hce today went to put it into wer best I could do was dec

Oct. 14, 2017 09:50:25 AM

Jeff S Higgins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

wer not having correct penalty

Currently WER does not have all the current penalties.

The best thing you can do is choose the one it replaced (so HCE entered as DEC, etc), and just note in the details that it was HCE.


Oct. 14, 2017 12:41:10 PM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

wer not having correct penalty

Is there a date for that update? HCE got introduced a year? or so ago…

Oct. 14, 2017 12:57:02 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

wer not having correct penalty

This forum isn't the place for bug reports against WER. As Jeff said, we recommend using the most appropriate infraction that is available in WER. If you have feedback about WER, I'd imagine that your local WPN rep is the appropriate person to report those bugs to, but I can 100% guarantee that they are already aware of this particular discrepancy. Since there's nothing more to add here, I'll be closing the topic.