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Tournament Operations » Post: Commander and Silver Borders

Commander and Silver Borders

Dec. 1, 2017 08:52:42 AM

David Rockwood
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southeast

Commander and Silver Borders

Mtgcommander announced that silver border cards are legal in commander until the 15th. Normally, a local store reports all commander events in WER.

If there are silver border cards in someone's commander deck, can the pod still be sanctioned and reported in WER (as a casual event of course.)

This post seeks an official answer.

Edited David Rockwood (Dec. 1, 2017 09:08:15 AM)

Dec. 1, 2017 03:56:51 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Commander and Silver Borders

Commander, as a casual format, is often run with ‘local rules’, which may or may not match the MTR exactly; that's fine. Yes, you can sanction Commander events (until Jan 15, 2018) with Un-usual rules…

There are discussions underway as to whether or not Unstable drafts can be sanctioned; stay tuned for a possible announcement?


Dec. 1, 2017 04:10:55 PM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Commander and Silver Borders


I am convinced that there is nothing to discuss about Unstable sanctioning - Unstable drafts are part of the Year-End Draft Promotion, so such drafts need to be sanctioned via WER (as Casual draft). Otherwise WPN would not be able to identify the players eligible for the promotion.

Dec. 1, 2017 11:11:00 PM

Toby Elliott
Forum Moderator
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Commander and Silver Borders

Scott misspoke a little here. Unstable drafts are (casual) sanctionable. The open question is whether there needs to be a document update or if we just say that Casual can ignore the silver border part of the MTR.