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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: Temple of Oops - SILVER

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Nov. 30, 2017 03:33:27 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool! This week we have another Silver scenario, so L2s should wait until Friday to join in.

At a Modern PPTQ you are the Head Judge of, Ashton is playing against Naomi. Ashton plays his land for turn, a Temple of Abandon. Ashton picks up the top card of his library, looks at it, sets it back down on the table. Ashton thinks, and then picks up the card and puts it into his hand. Naomi immediately calls for a judge. What do you do?

Nov. 30, 2017 04:21:55 AM

Rory Tans
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))


Temple of Oops - SILVER

Let me try this time! From my perspective this player has committed a gpe hidden card error. A card was added to a hidden set. The fix i would use would be the “thoughtseize” fix. Let Naomi select a card from ashtons hand (she cannot select a previously known card), shuffle that one back in the random part of the library. I will also be sure to remind ashton to play more carefully :)

Edited Rory Tans (Nov. 30, 2017 04:27:29 AM)

Nov. 30, 2017 04:25:46 AM

Maxime Emond
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Temple of Oops - SILVER

So this is a typical Hidden card error, instead of scrying the card, the player drew the card. It is a hidden card error because the card is both in a hidden set before and after the error has been commited.

The infraction for this penalty is a warning under GPE-HCE

As for the fix, Ashton will reveal his hand to Naomi (assuming the card is not uniquely identifiable) and Naomi will choose a card. This card will be returned to the top of the library. The reason why we return the card to the top of the library is because it's identity was legally known to Ashton. Ashton scried and instead of putting it back on top, he drew it. So he legally knew the card on top of his library (and most definitively wanted to keep it). This is no different that if he would have scried, put it back on top and then drew it.

Remind the players to play more carefully, ask if Ashton has received any HCE today,

Dec. 6, 2017 02:22:42 AM

Christian Ling
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Temple of Oops - SILVER

First time trying this so hopefully I give the correct reasoning.

wait wouldnt this be a GPE-DEC error as Ashton improperly drew a card. HCE typically deals with looking at the wrong amount from a hidden zone but he drew a card. This appears to me to issue Ashton a DEC warning and explain why he is recieving the error, check for previous instances of the error today, issue a time extension if applicable along with the appropriate fix. This is all asuming no intended cheating has occurred.

Dec. 6, 2017 02:27:28 AM

Dennis Nolting
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Hello Christian,
what if I told you there was no GPE-DEC because it was deleted from the ipg and you had to choose something else?

Dec. 6, 2017 02:45:43 AM

Christian Ling
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Hello Dennis,

I would first ask you for a copy of the more recent IPG since apparently I missed an update. but as for the rules change, I feel this would change to a GPE-LEC but depends if the “drawn” card has hit the rest of the hand or if it is still in the process of being added. if it has hit the hand it is touching another hidden set so I guess HCE would be appropriate as well.

Dec. 6, 2017 03:01:44 AM

Mark Mc Govern
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Originally posted by Christian Ling:

I would first ask you for a copy of the more recent IPG since apparently I missed an update.

The latest IPG can be found here:
There's also a link at the top of JudgeApps labelled Rules. Either should suit :)

Dec. 7, 2017 04:01:02 AM

Joe Klopchic
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Seattle, Washington, United States

Temple of Oops - SILVER

Howdy folks, thanks for all the participation this week.

Maxime is correct.

This is a Hidden Card Error, Ashton receives a Warning. Ashton has put a card into his hand when he wasn't supposed to, and we can't fix it with publicly known information. Ashton reveals his hand, and Naomi chooses a card from it, since Ashton knew what the card was before he put it into his hand, we return it to the top of Ashton's library instead of shuffling it away.