Edited Maxime Emond (March 9, 2018 12:56:58 AM)
Originally posted by Maxime Emond:
If, for some reason, the players can't agree on which card is the card in excess, it is still NOT a Hidden Card error. Simply for the fact that the IPG states “This infraction does not apply to simple dexterity errors, such as when a card being pulled off the library sticks to another card and is seen or knocked off the library.”
Edited Maxime Emond (March 9, 2018 04:01:10 AM)
Cards are considered to be in a library until they touch cards in another hidden set. Once those cards have joined another hidden set, the infraction is handled as a Hidden Card Error or Game Rule Violation.
A player commits an error in the game that cannot be corrected by only publicly available information
and does so without his or her opponent’s permission.
This infraction only applies when a card whose identity is known to only one player is in a hidden set of
cards both before and after the error.
This infraction does not apply to simple dexterity errors, such as when a card being pulled off the library
sticks to another card and is seen or knocked off the library. The cards themselves must be part of a
distinct set intended by the player.
Though the game state cannot be reversed to the ‘correct’ state, this error can be mitigated by giving the opponent sufficient knowledge and ability to offset the error so that it is less likely to generate advantage.
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