Sealed Deck—20 minutes for deck registration and 30 minutes for deck construction. For sealed deck events that take place on the weekend of a new set release, 15 additional minutes for deck construction is recommended.
Sealed Deck—20 minutes for deck registration and 30 minutes for deck construction. For prerelease events and sealed deck events that take place on the weekend of a new set release, 15 additional minutes for deck construction is recommended.
Edited Isaac King (April 22, 2018 10:58:14 AM)
Originally posted by Milan Majerčík:
Prereleases are run under Regular REL and those times are just a recomnendation to the TO. TO knows best what is good for their store and they know their player base.
Originally posted by John Brian McCarthy:
Remember that at a Comp REL event, players are given 30 minutes to both build and register their decks, so in some ways, we're already giving extra time for Prereleases, and other Regular REL Sealed events.
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