First of all we should investigate if Andrew cheated when those triggers
were resolved incorrectly. From the information provided, it looks like
Nikolai could not cheat during that situation. But, by the answer from
Andrew about the “missed trigger”, it looks like he knew that they did
something wrong when they resolved the triggers but he did not point it out.
If Andrew knew that they were not resolving the part of the lose life from
the trigger and he knew it was illegal then he cheated since it matches all
the criteria. He should be DQed and no fix should be applied, although it's
possible that he didn't know that doing that was illegal because he thought
Nikolai was “missing the trigger”.
If we discard cheating, then we are in a situation were Nikolai has
committed a GPE-GRV since he resolved a triggered partially. I think that
no backup should be done since the error was three turns ago (but Nikolai
was not sure about that) and too many actions/decisions have been taken
since the error happened (draws and attacks). Correcting life totals is not
one of the exceptions for a partial fix, so we should not do any fix and
leave the game as is after checking stated based actions.
Both players should receive a warning (we should check for a possible
upgrade if they have previous GPE-GRV during the tournament) because the
effect that caused the infraction is controlled by Nikolai but none of them
updated Andrew's life totals. That's why I think Andrew also commited
GPE-GRV instead of GPE-FTMGS.
2013/6/19 David Zalesky <>