Edited Leonardo La Marca (Oct. 7, 2018 09:16:23 PM)
Originally posted by Isaac King:
Thanks for the answer Scott, that makes a lot of sense. I'm a little curious why it's still a GRV if the game hasn't progressed past the draw. The way I'm looking at it, the player has done part of the required action and called you over before doing the rest, so why can't we just say “no infraction, finish milling two”? Similar to if a player draws 6 cards for their starting hand- we don't call that MPE, we just say “please finish drawing your hand of 7.”
I'm also a little confused by calling “mill two cards” a partial fix, as it doesn't seem to fit any of the fixes in the IPG. (Specifically, it doesn't fit the "If an object is in an incorrect zone " fix because the identity of the cards is not known to all players.)
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:What to do if they changed? leave as it is?
Short version: GRV, if the top two cards haven't changed, mill them now.
Originally posted by Isaac King:I'm confused on the exact same point.
I'm a little curious why it's still a GRV if the game hasn't progressed past the draw. The way I'm looking at it, the player has done part of the required action and called you over before doing the rest, so why can't we just say “no infraction, finish milling two”?
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