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2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Nov. 18, 2018 10:55:48 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Hello judges,
this weekend, we had a L2+ conference in Italy, and one of the seminars was
“2018 IPG changes tracked and explained”

Andrea Sciarrotta and I presented to the judges one of the possible methods to study the changes of our policy (this time, we focused on IPG only), which is to compare the old and the new versions of the official document, highlighting the old/new/added/removed sentences, and to add our (short) explanation of the reasons that brought to the change.

We are happy to share with you our document, and any questions or advice will be welcome; feel free to add comments to the *shared file* or to reply to this thread.
We will update the document based on your advice, and you are free to download and use it any way you want; we hope it will be useful for your events and your study too.

Riccardo Tessitori

Edited Riccardo Tessitori (Nov. 18, 2018 10:56:24 AM)

Nov. 19, 2018 01:43:34 AM

Matteo Manchi
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Hi Riccardo!
Thank you for your shared file.

I'm working on a similar project: I'm using a software to make diffs of old/new versions of documents.
Here the project:

Of course there are no comments. Feel free to use it to check differences faster.


PS: we're working also on MTR diffs :)

Nov. 19, 2018 02:33:44 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Thanks Matteo,

the file we are using comes from the “source”, that is Toby.

Toby sends the Word files with tracked changes (it's a feature of
Microsoft Word) to Juan Del Compare, who is the Translations sphere leader.

Juan, I guess, sends the file with tracked changes to all the
translators who update the localized versions.


Il 19/11/2018 10:47, Matteo Manchi ha scritto:

Nov. 23, 2018 04:47:35 AM

Juan Del Compare
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Latin America

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

> Juan, I guess, sends the file with tracked changes to all the
> translators who update the localized versions.
That is correct. I do not distribute it farther, but you can probably ask
Toby for a copy justifying its use.

April 6, 2019 12:52:56 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Hello judges, waiting for the War of the Spark update, we updated the document that analyzes the tracked changes of the IPG to Ravnica Allegiance:

See you for the WAR update.

Riccardo and Andrea

April 30, 2019 07:50:37 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Hello judges, the IPG with the (very small) WAR update have been published by Toby, and the shared document with the tracked changes commented has been updated.

Riccardo and Andrea

July 18, 2019 11:39:02 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

2018 IPG changes tracked and explained

Hello judges, the document that highlights and comments the IPG changes has been updated to M20: HERE.
Feel free to use it to study the policy, to add comments to help us to understand better, and to share it.

Riccardo and Andrea