Tournament Organizers may hold and sanction invitation-only non-Premier tournaments normally, as long as they offer a sufficient number of qualifying tournaments in advance to ensure that all players have a chance to qualify.
Edited Isaac King (Dec. 26, 2018 07:59:40 PM)
Regular REL
Questions and discussions surrounding Regular REL. While Official answers will be given if asked, this is a general discussion forum specifically about Regular REL events, JAR documents and anything else relating to Regular REL.
Edited Robert Hinrichsen (Dec. 28, 2018 02:20:43 PM)
Originally posted by Robert Hinrichsen:
Scott, please cite the exact text from the forum protocol which supports your reproach of Isaac's comments.
Originally posted by Forum Protocol:The language has morphed and even relaxed some over the years, and the objections I was raising are really only implied, not at all clearly stated.
Currently only the following judges can issue Official Rulings:
Scott Marshall
Toby Elliott
Nathan Long
Callum Milne
By default, rulings made by these judges are considered to be Official, unless those judges specifically state that the ruling they are giving is not Official.
Wizards of the Coast staff can also issue Official Rulings.
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