Hello judges,
another month has passed, and it's time to give you another update.
First, I would like to share with you the file we use for our review, so that you can take a look at all deails:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fRVHJkCL2SOlmBxnlwlZuT508e41aeaBPz63XDsAsWg/edit?usp=sharing(this is actually a copy of our file, so don't expect it to get updated; I may share future copies in some months).
We added a few more blogs to our list, we rearranged the order of priority, and we are very satisfied about the results so far:
- Official Resources: review complete
- Program Coordinators: quick review complete
- Grand Prix Head Judging (a new blog): complete
- The road to L3: a few L3s and a few L3 candidates are working on it right now
- Annotated IPG and Annotated MTR: complete
- Policy Perspectives and What's Up Docs: review of the last two years almost complete
- Judge articles: more than half complete
No changes have been applied. No authors have been contacted so far (in case you see a “change” for one of your articles, know that we still need to double check the recommended changes and also inform you, in case of a change bigger than a typo or an update from “he or she” to “they”).
You can find more details about this project here:
https://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/post/272154/Happy beginning of 2019!