MTR 4.2
During the resolution of one of their spells or abilities, a player may not assume their opponent has taken a shortcut. They must seek confirmation that a choice with no visible impact was taken.
IPG 2.1
Even if an opponent is involved in the announcement or resolution of the ability, the controller is still responsible for ensuring the opponents make the appropriate choices and take the appropriate actions.
Edited Scott Marshall (March 24, 2019 08:52:37 AM)
Originally posted by Isaac King:
Dave should have been announcing his floating mana as the turn progressed. Can't we assume that by not doing so…
Originally posted by original post:I'd interpret that as Dave announcing the floating mana at the appropriate time; as Bearz noted, we aren't told about the rest of their communication, and that's correct - you can't float that mana into the end step. The only way Dave can cast Brainstorm with the floating blue is to do so in Cynthia's main phase, and the scenario implies that's what Dave's trying to do.
Dave casts Daze returning the Island to his hand, saying “float a blue”.
Edited Johannes Wagner (March 25, 2019 05:09:29 AM)
Originally posted by Shawn Doherty:
In order for the Daze to resolve, Dave must pass priority. The CR states that he must announce any mana in his pool when he passes priority (106.4b). By not doing so, I think we have a GRV.
Edited Brook Gardner-Durbin (March 25, 2019 10:21:16 PM)
Originally posted by Johannes Wagner:Nope, there's still just one answer, and it's even been marked as the accepted answer. (Love that new feature, Apps Dev Team!!!)
now we got contradicting answers
Originally posted by Johannes Wagner:
Shawn's answer reads for me it is Dave's fault.
Your answer reads for me it is Cynthia's fault.
How is that not contradicting?
contradict verb
if one statement, piece of evidence, story etc contradicts another, they disagree and cannot both be true
Originally posted by Bartłomiej Wieszok:
Shawn is not one of persons who can provide you with a official answer. On that topic - list of judges who can do that is rather unusual (two known L3s and two not so known L2). Could we have extra “flare” for them (under avatar)? A
Originally posted by Bartłomiej Wieszok:You'll notice that a handful of judges have “Forum Moderator” listed, along with any other info. These are the people who are normally authorized to provide moderation in these forums. There are additional ‘O’fficial sources, but it's unusual for them to use that: Kevin Desprez, as lead for GP Head Judges; Toby Elliott, as lead of the Policy team; any of the PCs; anyone from Wizards. Normally, they work with me or the other Mods, and I'll post an ‘O’, but exceptions can happen.
Could we have extra “flare” for them (under avatar)? A
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