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Partial backup of spell resolution

April 10, 2019 07:12:50 PM

Maxime Eychenne
Judge (Uncertified)


Partial backup of spell resolution


I am looking for an answer for the situation that I will describe below:

The Situation

Arthur plays against Natasha and casts Green Sun's Zenith choosing X=4 - The Zenith resolves and Arthur searches his library and finds an Oracle of Mul Daya. He puts the Oracle onto the battlefield, then directly shuffles the GSZ into his library.

We know that he should have put Oracle onto the battlefield, revealed the top card of his library, shuffled it, revealed the new top card of his library, and then shuffled the GSZ into his library. I have two questions here.

First question

Is the penalty GPE-HCE or GPE-GRV ? I am assuming this is a GPE-GRV because I do not think that we can properly apply any of the fixes relative to GPE-HCE here. The only one that would be relevant is very disruptive:

If the error involves one or more cards that were supposed to be revealed, the player reveals the set of cards that contains the unrevealed cards and their opponent chooses that many previously-unknown cards. Treat those as the cards that were ‘revealed’ and return them to the set that was being selected from; the player then reperforms the action.

This would imply revealing the entire library to Natasha, which is, from my point of vue, ludicrous. Treating the infraction as a GPE-GRV and (potentially) applying a full backup seems much smoother. Still I would like an answer here, why is it GPE-HCE (or why isn't it a GPE-HCE if it isn't) ?

Second question

If we treat this as GPE-GRV, and we want to do a full backup, are we allowed to backup in the middle of the resolution of GSZ ? Is the following fix correct ?

Search a GSZ in Arthur's library, and move it onto the stack, backup until the moment Mul Daya has just been put onto the battlefield, and the library has not yet been shuffled, let GSZ resolve properly from there.

In other terms, can we partially backup processes like the casting of a spell, or the resolution of a spell, or, if we decide to backup, do we have to backup the process entirely, backing up before the resolution of GSZ ?

Thank you for reading.

April 10, 2019 07:24:05 PM

Johannes Wagner
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Partial backup of spell resolution

April 10, 2019 09:16:23 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Partial backup of spell resolution

As noted, this was discussed quite thoroughly, in the thread linked by Johannes.
