Edited Jean-François DURMONT (March 21, 2018 07:28:13 AM)
Edited Jean-François DURMONT (April 14, 2018 08:06:19 AM)
Edited Jean-François DURMONT (July 10, 2018 02:10:39 AM)
Bonjour judges,
War of the Spark is coming soon and that means we can have some new questions for the Judge Booth interface.
As always you can submit your questions via the spreadsheet at…
or you can enter them directly in the interface itself if you have access.
To echo Jean-François from previous posts, new questions should follow the guidelines listed below:
1) The players in each question should be identified as “You” and “Your opponent”.
2) The use of all standard cards in your questions is desired but not mandatory. Cards from all formats including Commander or Vintage are acceptable.
3) Questions should both test and educate the readers. In particular, they should aim to teach the core rules of the game (layers, the turn structure, state-based actions, replacement effects, etc.) but questions that don't are still allowed.
4) Try to keep the number of different cards and tokens used in a question to five or less.
5) Try to avoid having “Yes/No” answers to a question. We don't want readers to be able to guess the right answer.
Thank you for your time. I wish you all a wonderful prerelease weekend.
Eric Paré & the Judge Booth Team
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