Hey friends!
So, inspired by ScryFall's bot, I've created a chatbot for MTG-related Discord servers that pulls up policy and rules documents.
You can read more about it here:
https://discordbots.org/bot/590184543684788253You can see what it looks like here:
https://imgur.com/a/M5ogS5eThis was a originally just a project for class, but I figured it would be useful to everyone so I made it free and put it online for anyone to use. You can add it to your own Discord servers using the invite link in the discordbots profile above.
As a final note, I know that a lot of judges use Slack for regional or project communication. I'll probably do a Slack version of this eventually, but I haven't put that together yet.
I hope this is helpful, and let me know if you have any feedback!