Hello Judges!
This week's JOTW is Dustin de Leeuw, L2 from Amsterdam, Netherlands!
You can read Carlos's interview by clicking the link below.
http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/dustin-de-leeuw/He created a great prerelease game you should check out called: Guard your Spark!
We also (finally) reveal the answer to Carlos Rada's two truth's and a lie!
A second point: Would you like to JOIN the Judge of the Week team? Our Project is look for two new members:
Writer: We need another writer to help edit and format posts, while inserting pictures and captions.
Contact Liason: We also need someone to help with contacting judges all over the world, interviewing them, and getting the interview submitted to Wordpress for the writers!
Please contact me (Stephan) or John Temple if you're interested!
Please Judges, do remember that you can nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:
http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/nominate-a-judge/We're glad to show great judging stories from all over the world, and would like to hear some from your locations! Nominate a judge today!
Edited Stephan Classen (Jan. 10, 2014 07:41:48 AM)