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Tournament Operations » Post: Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

July 15, 2019 04:12:48 AM [Original Post]

Andrea Germini
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

Our TO asked me if I can both play and judge at a MCQ, due to the fact that judges are not required to run these events, but I'm not sure if I can because it's still a tournament. What do you think?

July 15, 2019 04:40:38 AM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Mark Mc Govern
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

From the MTR:
Tournament officials may play in a DCI-sanctioned, rated tournament for which they are a tournament official if
(and only if) the tournament is of the following types:
• Friday Night Magic
• Prerelease
• Standard Showdown
• Draft Weekend
• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments
• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play.

MCQs are Premier Magic Tournaments, so that would be a “no” on playing and judging at the same time. Which makes sense - how comfortable would an opponent feel playing against a judge in the top 8, and the judge has to make a ruling on the match? Not very!

July 15, 2019 11:54:09 AM

Francesco Scialpi
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

If you're talking about registering yourself both as a player and as a judge, no, that's not allowed at Competitive.

If you're talking about registering yourself only as a player, and acting as unofficial, ‘de facto’ judge, I would strongly advise against that.

July 17, 2019 07:09:45 PM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Can I judge a Mythic Championship Qualifier and play at the same time?

For the sake of completeness, I'd like to add that “If one or more
tournament officials play in the tournament, it must be run at Regular
Rules Enforcement Level.”

pon., 15 lip 2019 o 05:43 Mark Mc Govern <