Edited Joe Klopchic (July 10, 2019 11:57:30 PM)
Edited Christopher Trent (July 14, 2019 02:36:40 PM)
Originally posted by Christopher Trent:
I would do the following:
Issue the player a Warning for TE-Marked Cards, Remove all sideboard cards from their library, add the missing mainboard cards to their library, and have them shuffle and perform a mulligan.
Originally posted by IPG 3.6 Deck Problem, Additional Remedy:
Locate any cards missing from the deck and any incorrect cards in any game zone. The opponent chooses which of the missing cards replaces each incorrect card; any extras are shuffled into the random portion of the library. If more cards are being removed than added, prioritize ones not in the library first. If there are still additional cards not in the library that need replacing, they are replaced by random cards from the library. If the missing card(s) are with the sideboard and it isn’t the first game, choose the ones to be returned to the deck at random from main deck cards in the sideboard.
Edited Joe Klopchic (July 17, 2019 04:10:34 AM)
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