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Tournament Operations » Post: Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT

Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT

July 19, 2013 12:45:38 AM

Joaquín Ossandón
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Latin America

Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT

Supposedly, a Lvl 2 Judge who will perform the lvl 1 exam to a TO next month would have allowed him to rule alone as headjudge in a GPT in his store. The person who asked me is owner of another store in the same city…

This information hasn't been verified yet, but I have some questions regarding this:
Can/Should a level2 judge do this?
As a fellow judge, how should I react to this situation?
What should I say to the person who came to me with the information?

Thanks for the responses

Joaquín Ossandón
Lvl 1 Judge

July 19, 2013 01:12:57 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT

Exceptions of this sort must be made with permission of a territory managers at Wizards of the Coast. Stores who operate GPTs know who these persons are. If they are unaware for any reason the store can contact their local office to find out.


From: Joaquín Ossandón
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 3:46 PM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT (Tournament Operations)

Supposedly, a Lvl 2 Judge who will perform the lvl 1 exam to a TO next month would have allowed him to rule alone as headjudge in a GPT in his store. The person who asked me is owner of another store in the same city…

This information hasn't been verified yet, but I have some questions regarding this:
Can/Should a level2 judge do this?
As a fellow judge, how should I react to this situation?
What should I say to the person who came to me with the information?

Thanks for the responses

Joaquín Ossandón
Lvl 1 Judge

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July 19, 2013 05:55:56 AM

Joaquín Ossandón
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

Latin America

Lvl 2 authorizing a Lvl 0 to judge in a GPT

Thanks for the support.
In the end it wasn't as it apparently was, so I don't think I should have much trouble clearing this up.

Special thanks to Andy and Laura, who immediately helped me with this =)
