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Competitive REL » Post: Is it HCE

Is it HCE

July 27, 2019 08:45:30 PM

Billy Gilmore
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Plains

Is it HCE

I am score keeping a 10k today and I had an interesting infraction come across my table and I thought it would be a good discussion. The infraction came across as a Hidden Card Error and the description was after fetching a land the player was shuffling their deck and while they was doing this a card dropped from the deck on to the players hand. The judge ruled that it was HCE and allowed the opponent to look at the player's hand and choose a card to be shuffled into the deck.

I asked the judge where the hand was when the card was dropped on to it, which the judge said that the hand was sitting on the table and I asked if the player had touched it after the card was dropped and he said that the player did not and the opponent said he did not. Would you up hold this ruling or would you just let the player take the card that was on top and shuffling it in the deck and move on.

July 27, 2019 08:53:05 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Is it HCE

Circumstances vary, obviously, so I can't say this would always be the case - but from your description, Billy, I think we have a card that is clearly identifiable using public information, and can return it to its proper location.


Aug. 1, 2019 11:45:37 AM

Tommy Lee
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Plains

Is it HCE

I agree with Scott on this one as well Billy. I had this happen a few months ago and since both players agreed that X card was the same card and the hand had not been touched that the card was returned to the deck and shuffling continued.

I also agree that Circumstances vary and this would be a good teaching moment for the Judge.