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Project Recruitment & Help Wanted » Post: RulesGuru question approval help wanted

RulesGuru question approval help wanted

Aug. 31, 2019 08:44:30 AM

Isaac King
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

Barriere, British Columbia, Canada

RulesGuru question approval help wanted

I maintain the website RulesGuru- a sortable database of MTG rules questions.

I'm looking for people who are willing to submit interesting questions to be added to the database. Anyone can submit their own question in just a few seconds here. Especially after new sets come out, it would be helpful to have some recent content for people who want to brush up on current cards. You're also welcome to submit as many crazy corner cases as you want to. :)

I'm also looking for a few people to assist with verifying and approving questions. Advanced rules knowledge is not required, if you can pass the rules portion of an L3 practice test that's more than enough. (We'll all be helping each other out to make sure answers are correct.) There's no serious time commitment required, you can just do a few questions per week if that's all you have time for. If this interests you, please send me an email or Facebook message.