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Legacy Program - First announcement

Sept. 10, 2019 07:21:24 PM

Adrian Estoup
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

Latin America

Legacy Program - First announcement

Hi all!

Is an honor for me write this lines announcing the first post related the Legacy Program, yes, the program with the objetive to support the areas not covered by the Judge Academy during the transition.

During the last days, I received tons of mails and messages from judges offering support to this new organizacion and I'm the first in express my gratitude to all of them, this will be a great project and having so many words of support give me many forces to create this entire transition project.

I want to start announcing the blog for the Legacy Program.

And of course, the first post of the blog. This first post is very important because in there, you will find the first FAQ related the Legacy Program

I'm working in the coordination of several things related Legacy Program and all of them will be published soon but if you have any question, my contact is always open, you can contact me directly using apps.

See you soon!