There's no longer an official disqualification FAQ, which means we awkwardly have nothing to give to players when disqualified. I've put together an unofficial one here that judges can use:
I've also written up a guide to the process for head judges/scorekeepers/TOs who need guidance on what to submit to whom and how to enter it into the software.
"Q) What should I do if I have complaints about how this disqualification was
A) You can mention this in your statement to Wizards of the Coast. You can also submit a
conduct report to Judge Foundry (if you’re in North America) or the International Judge
Program (if you’re anywhere else)"
Just noting that the IJP does not cover the entire rest of the world, and that an event in the US (for example) may have judges from organizations other than Judge Foundry. Then again, this FAQ is probably not the place for an essay on how this stuff actually works (or doesn't) and why :)
Edited Johanna Virtanen (Jan. 25, 2025 07:59:30 PM)
Yeah that used to be a link to Judge Academy, and I wasn't super sure what to put there now. I figure the player will feel better if they're given some recourse through which they can be heard, and if they end up emailing the wrong organization, that org can redirect it where it needs to go.
Nowadays there are a fair amount of former judges working at events (especially at the convention level) that do not belong to any organization, so including a recourse for a player that might get them nowhere, just for the sake of making them feel better, is worse than not having it in the FAQ at all.
Good point! I've edited the last section to account for that, and to just link to the list of Judge orgs to avoid having to call out specific ones.
Antoine Albertelli has helpfully translated the FAQ into French, now available from the webpage as well.
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