Size of tables
This is one of my pet peeves: knowing where your role as a judge ends
and the role of a TO begins.
Certain things, like how many people to sit to a table, etc. are TO
BUT, if something that is a TO responsibility makes game play
impossible, you may decide that this is not a tournament you can
effectively judge. When I was more active as a judge and TO, I used to
have an announcement list for the events I was going to judge in the
near future. Players would follow me from store to store, because they
knew they could depend on certain things when I was there.
If the play space is too small to arrange the battlefield correctly or
draft without getting everything messed up; that is the TO's
responsibility. But, I don't have to judge there. If you have a
reputation for making sure that players are treated well, you also get
a certain amount of leverage with local TOs.
Don't get emotional or threaten. Decide what your minimum requirements
are for an event you are willing to put your name to. If something
doesn't meet that requirement, politely inform the TO that you would
not be able to act as a judge without those minimums. Just because
something meets DCI standards does not mean that it has to meet yours.