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Global Announcements » Post: Prereleases


Sept. 21, 2013 02:29:09 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta


Hi Judges!

Prereleases are a time for players to enjoy playing in a fun event, where the focus is on the new cards, the exploration of new mechanics and interactions, and meeting other Magic players. I wanted to remind you all that while players are permitted to drop and take their cards once they do so (MTR 7.3), that such behavior is a poor experience for everyone else. Players who are signing up and taking their sealed product take away from players desiring to actually play with people that day. Players should be encouraged and informed to tell the scorekeeper of their intent to drop, so we do not have repairing or extra byes happening. Do what you can to explain this to players who may be entering the event for a different reason.

Remember that players new to tournaments often start at prereleases (and FNM) and our customer focus for prereleases is not on competition, skill testing, prizes or obtaining the new product early, but instead our focus is on facilitating a festival for the premier of the new set, and being part of a larger Magic event than most usually attend with any regularity.

Wizards of the Coast