Edited Josh Stansfield (Sept. 18, 2013 04:03:13 PM)
Originally posted by Cris Plyler:
Even though by process of elimination we could figure out what that card would be, it states in the IPG “if the identity of the incorrectly drawn card is not known to all players then put a random card back instead.” Since the random card put back could be the brainstorm, and thus make the choice illegal I'd simply leave the game state as is and remind the players to be more careful.
Edited Niki Lin (Sept. 19, 2013 07:56:13 AM)
If not caught within a reasonable time frame, or backing up is impossible or sufficiently complex that it could affect the course of the game, the judge should leave the game state as it is after applying state-based actions and not attempt any form of partial ‘fix’ – either reverse all actions or none, with the following exceptions:If you choose not to back up, just have the player discard Brainstorm now, and continue the game from there. (Most of us on the Knowledge Pool team agreed we would not back up in this example.)
• If a player forgot to draw cards, discard cards, or return cards from their hand to another zone, that player does so.
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