Edited Chris Nowak (Dec. 6, 2013 11:43:44 PM)
Originally posted by Ward Poulisse:
Why does the rule actually exist that you can't direct-damage your own planeswalkers? It's very counter-intuitive.
Originally posted by Jared Holder:
I am still a bit hazy on this. What the player actually did was shortcut targeting himself and redirecting the damage to the planeswalker. In actual fact, he had a legal target for the spell: himself. It is upon resolution, where the damage redirection can occur, that the illegal action is taken. So why do we not back up to the point where he had a legal target?
Players play spells all of the time expecting them to do one thing when they actually do something else and unless target is illegal, the spell still resolves no?
For instance, if Ned were to Spell Snare an Abrupt Decay he would not be allowed to put the Spell Snare back in his hand since Abrupt Decay is a legal target.
For the record I prefer allowing him to take it back, I just want to know how to make that determination.
Originally posted by Jared Holder:but that's not the target he named; what he named was an illegal target. Backup illegal actions, untap the mana, assess the GPE:GRV & Warning (unless he's already well down the upgrade path).
he had a legal target for the spell: himself
Edited Scott Marshall (Dec. 8, 2013 07:48:17 AM)
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:
Backup illegal actions, untap the mana, assess the GPE:GRV & Warning
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