Edited Ian Groombridge (Jan. 30, 2014 12:50:16 PM)
Originally posted by Claudio Martín Nieva Scarpatti:
Having said that, if Nabila wanted to Stifle the trigger it's in her own interest to make sure Aloha does not forget about it. This includes saying something along the lines of “Pass. In your upkeep…” or “I'll pass and respond to your upkeep trigger.”
Edited Florian Horn (Jan. 30, 2014 08:08:12 PM)
Edited Casey Brefka (Jan. 30, 2014 08:38:47 PM)
No player may make choices involving objects that were not in the appropriate zone or zones when the ability should have triggered
Edited Eli Meyer (Jan. 31, 2014 12:38:22 PM)
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