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Prerelease Stickers

April 26, 2014 02:40:14 PM

William Anderson
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Prerelease Stickers

How do I handle them?

I know this was sent out to the TOs, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it in person. Is there an online copy somewhere?
I've read the prerelease primer, but my google-fu has failed me.

Any recommendations on best practices for handling prerelease godslayer-building stickers?

April 26, 2014 03:03:50 PM

James Do Hung Lee
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame, Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Pacific Northwest

April 26, 2014 06:29:16 PM

Daniel Brandt
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program))

German-speaking countries

Prerelease Stickers

It really is quite simple. Most things are in the Prerelease Primer that James linked.

In each Prerelease Pack is an activity card with 3 empty spaces for component stickers.
After each match played, the winner of the match chooses one of the three different component stickers and the other player chooses one of the remaining two. They put those stickers on their activity card. The last unused sticker will be disposed of.
If they have any combination of three component stickers, they can trade in their activity card for an ability sticker to put on their Hero Equipment. Wich ability sticker they get depends on the combination of component stickers they got.
But the available combinations and corresponding abilities, as well as everything else about this activity is listed on the activity card, so don’t worry.

Have fun at the prerelease everyone! :)

April 26, 2014 07:51:06 PM

Philip Böhm
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

German-speaking countries

Prerelease Stickers

There is one combination that doesnt get you an ability sticker. One of my players managed to get that combination..

Everything is explained in the prerelease-packs and in the shipping that came with the stickers itself.

Edited Philip Böhm (April 26, 2014 07:51:53 PM)

April 27, 2014 05:53:58 PM

John Brian McCarthy
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Prerelease Stickers

A few best practices learned today for folks running tomorrow:

– Mention the stickers in your opening announcement, or snag achievement cards from players who don't want them during build (or both!). We had a few players toss theirs during trash pickup and later want to participate, and fortunately had some other players who didn't care about Godslayers.

– Pass out a sticker set with your match slips. When players say “what's this?” use the opportunity to quickly explain the activity.

– Even if players only need three stickers to complete their weapon, pass out stickers in R4+ - in some cases, they may be fishing for triple-brown for Double Strike and have an opponent take the third brown sticker they need in R3.

– Once you forge a Godslayer, your greatest challenge still awaits: removing the sticker from the backing. Expect even the bravest heroes to fail this challenge - it's easiest if you tear along the perforated edges rather than cutting, and use a finger rather than a nail to separate it.

– Be ready for “What's this for” questions - you'll get a billion. Mention during your annoumcent that it's not for today, but you really hope to see them “Fight a God” at Game Day.

– Accept that you will have to peel stickers off tables/walls/windows/LGS staff for weeks. Players are gonna play. That said, one of our judges now has Vigilence and can block an extra creature each combat, which could come in handy.

I liked the activity overall - players seemed to be more into it than the past achievement cards, and I hope they do something similar again.