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Suspended Players Page Updated

June 8, 2013 09:37:00 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Greetings, Judges. The April cases have been processed and the Suspended Players page has been updated at:

I'll be updating the judge center resolution statuses later this weekend or early next week.

I'd like to remind all judges that many cases of bribery and improperly determining a winner (die rolling, usually) can be stopped BEFORE they occur, simply by making annmouncements or talking to the players. For example, if a judge goes to watch a match in the last round, maybe the judge, when he sits down, can remind the players not to offer die rolls or prize splits without first asking the judge what is legal and what is not. Many of our cases invlve the judge sitting at the table, so I'm suggesting that the judge can give a quick message to the players when the judge actually sits down. I know it can be weird sometimes to say that to players, but it's way better than issuing the DQ later on :)

Anyway, thanks for all your help, and keep up the good work!

Eric Shukan
Magic Investigations Committee

July 23, 2013 02:56:35 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Greetings, Judges. The May cases have been processed and the Suspended Players page has been updated at:

I'll be updating the judge center resolution statuses later this week.

Monthly Suggestion: Remind players in the player's meeting that they should not have any extra cards in their deckbox/sideboard. Lots of players don't know this. They should but they don't. So help them :)

Thanks to all for your help.

Eric Shukan
Magic Investigations Committee

Aug. 19, 2013 07:37:06 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, All. The June cases have been processed and the Suspended Players page has been updated at:

I've updated judge center resolution statuses, too.

Monthly Suggestion: We're still seeing ignorant bribes a lot, but the number is declining. Please continue to try to announce to players not to offer anything and to call a judge over if they want to talk about arranging a result.

Thanks to all for your help.

Eric Shukan
Magic Investigations Committee

Dec. 21, 2013 10:15:38 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, everyone. The DQ's through Oct2013 have been processed, and the Suspended players page has been updated at:

Monthly Suggestion: When you DQ a player, please ALWAYS OFFER to the player to write a statement, and please ask for the player's contact info (email preferred). Of course, a player may refuse and you shouldn't super-insist, but please remind the player that this is a chance for the player to address the matter in his own words. If the player is uncomfortable leaving a statement with you, please direct him to send his statement to me at (or at least give you his email, so I can contact him).

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

Dec. 23, 2013 01:08:34 AM

Daniel Kitachewsky
Judge (Uncertified)


Suspended Players Page Updated


The table can't be sorted, which makes it quite difficult to look for the most recent ones. You can search for “2013-12” to find them.


Jan. 22, 2014 10:12:39 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, all. The November cases are finished and the Suspended Players web page is updated at

Monthly Suggestion: When first responding to a call, if you see that it is not a strict rules issue, consider immediately separating the players to interview them. We find that in some cases players will respond in their own versions of the matter to what their opponent said, and this response can cloud the facts. These are not necessarily lies, but rather small changes in how they remember things to adjust for their opponent's story. Separating them early reduces the chance of this occurring. Also, if there are witnesses, you don't want witnesses hearing things that can alter their memory :) This is mostly a Competitive event idea, but you may see it occasionally at Reg.

Good luck, Judges!

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

Feb. 9, 2014 06:19:00 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, everyone. The Decemeber2013 cases are finished and Judge Center updated, along with the suspended players page at

Monthly Tip: Please try to announce about not offering value for the match result and also about not offering to improperly determine the match result. In addition to the start of the tourney, PLEASE DO THIS *BEFORE* THE LAST ROUND of every tourney, and maybe even before the next-to-last round. We've seen an uptick in these types of ignorant DQ's, and we'd like to try to educate the newer/ignorant players rather than have to DQ them. Even at Competitive tourneys this is important.


-Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

March 14, 2014 09:07:00 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Greetings, Judges. The January2014 cases are finished and Judge Center updated, along with the suspended players page at

Monthly Tip: After you decide to DQ someone, please ensure to offer to the player an opportunity to give you a written statement about his version of the incident. If the player wishes, he may also send it directly to me at Also, if you do not enter a statement for the player, then please include in YOUR HJ entry whether you offered the player to submit a statement and if so whether he declined.

I'm working on a “Now that you have been DQ'ed” document for both judges and players. I had hoped to have much progress on it, but life is busy :) But it's coming!

Thanks, all! And, hey - kudos to the judges at the recent insanely-large GP Richmond!

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

April 18, 2014 07:16:07 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Greetings, Judges. The February2014 cases are finished and Judge Center updated, along with the suspended players page at

Monthly Tip: During an investigation, consider interviewing spectators and opponents and neighboring matches. Sometimes you get nothing, but sometimes you get good data. Also, when you are thinking that a player is guilty, ask yourself what information could CLEAR the player, and then go look for it. Don't just go after info to show guilt, but also go after info that shows innocence. Remember, you are on the accused player's side, too!

The “Now that you have been DQ'ed” document for players is near to completion; it should be out within a week. The one for judges is next up.

Thanks, all!

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

May 10, 2014 08:45:56 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, All. The March2014 DQ cases are finished. Judge Center has been updated and also the suspended players web page at

Monthly Tip: Please make sure to offer the DQ'ed player a chance to write a statement, AND please indicate in your report if the player declines to write one. When we see cases with no player statement and no mention of the player declining to write one, we have to contact the HJ and the player. While it's not a huge deal, it will save us some time if you can indicate it in your report.

We are done with the the “Now that you have been DQ'ed FAQ” for players. It is being reviewed by WotC and therefore may come out at any time. When it does comes out, you'll be able to print the 1-page FAQ for a DQ'ed player, and it can help answer lots of questions that a DQ'ed player may ask. We will have one for judges out in a couple of months.

Thanks, everyone!!

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

June 30, 2014 12:36:56 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, Judges. The April cases have been adjudicated and the suspended players page has been updated at The Judge Center is also updated.

Monthly Tip: When you are investigating for anything and a player says something like “I asked the guy on my left if I was allowed to…”, please try to confirm that by asking that guy. When players are cooperating and telling the truth, many times they give you leads that are easily verifiable and which, if verified, would lead you to NOT DQ'ing the player. The key is to search for evidence that CLEARS the player as diligently as you search for evidence that CONVICTS the player. Sometimes verifying these little things will end your investigation immediately, because it leads you to believe the player's story.

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

Edited Mark Brown (July 1, 2014 10:50:43 AM)

June 30, 2014 07:12:59 AM

Adrian St. John
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

This link does not work for me.
Edit: remove the period from the end.

Edited Adrian St. John (June 30, 2014 07:14:04 AM)

June 30, 2014 09:33:21 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Check if there is stray period at the end?


On 06/29/14, Adrian St. John wrote:

This link does not work for

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Sept. 3, 2014 06:23:45 AM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, everyone. The May and June cases have been adjudicated and the suspended players page updated at

I'll begin updating the judge center to reflect closure on these cases, though that will take a few days.

Please try to remain proactive about reminding players not to improperly determine a winner or offer anything in order to determine a winner. In fact, if you stay and watch a match in overtime, I'd recommend telling the players even at T1 about not doing these things. It takes only 10 sec and may pay big benefits. This is especially true at REG REL events, though it can be true even at COMP REL. A quick “Hey, guys, just remember not to roll dice or offer anything for the win or tie” is a great thing on T1 :)

Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader

Nov. 8, 2014 10:31:56 PM

Eric Shukan
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Suspended Players Page Updated

Hi, everyone. The July and August cases have been processed, and the Suspended Players Page has been updated at: It appears to be non-sortable at the moment.

Thanks for all your help!

-Eric Shukan
Player Investigations Leader