Edited Kim Warren (June 23, 2014 06:12:40 PM)
Originally posted by Paul Comeau:
This sounds to me like someone exploiting their knowledge of the MTR and IPG to gain an advantage. While technically not illegal, I've noticed other competitive players exploiting their knowledge of those rules in a similar fashion, and I wish there was something in either of these documents that addressed “rules lawyering” in that way.
Edited Scott Marshall (June 23, 2014 11:37:39 PM)
Originally posted by Callum Milne:So in that case you would “break” that player one gameplay by public announcement about Spirit+Dakra synergy? We are talking about decklist errors because you can apply them to all players, everyone can forget to put name at decklist. I would not remind players at competetive tournaments about unwanted synergies or common missplays. If we would do that, then why not tell players to check Tarmogoyf stats before you throw lighting bolt at him? That's common missplay at modern tournaments.
If DEC infractions due to Spirit of the Labyrinth kept showing up, that's something I might consider a reminder about.
Mart LeuveringIndeed, if we put DEC aside, there is no better time to use Dakra & Spirit synergy than opponents upkeep.
From the player perspective, this is THE best moment to activate the ability:
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