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Tournament Operations » Post: Friday Night Magic and midnight

Friday Night Magic and midnight

July 17, 2014 11:09:50 AM

Riccardo Tessitori
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Friday Night Magic and midnight

Good morning/evening,
I need a confirmation.
I've been told that a FNM tournament must not end after midnight, otherwise the event gets invalidated.
This news surprised me, as I wonder how a tournament that starts in the evening (let's say 9:30PM) with a dozen of people or more (which means three or four rounds) can end and be reported before midnight.
Is there such rule? (if yes, could you please write the link to the web page or the position of the rule in the official documents)
Thank you.


July 17, 2014 11:19:25 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Friday Night Magic and midnight

This is not the case. FNM or any tournament may get invalidated if it is run on a different date than what it was announced to be. Crossing the midnight threshold could cause this, but I’ve personally never seen it happen. If it has happened to someone, provide me the sanctioning number and I’ll research to confirm.


From: Riccardo Tessitori
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:10 AM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Friday Night Magic and midnight (Tournament Operations)

Good morning/evening,
I need a confirmation.
I've been told that a FNM tournament must not end after midnight, otherwise the event gets invalidated.
This news surprised me, as I wonder how a tournament that starts in the evening (let's say 9:30PM) with a dozen of people or more (which means three or four rounds) can end and be reported before midnight.
Is there such rule? (if yes, could you please write the link to the web page or the position of the rule in the official documents)
Thank you.


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July 17, 2014 11:22:50 AM

Nick Rutkowski
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Friday Night Magic and midnight

When you try to end an event after midnight WER won't let you. Its a program feature. In the past I've heard of judges “fixing” the clock on the computer to allow the event to end and then upload.

July 17, 2014 11:37:17 AM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Friday Night Magic and midnight


Please provide me a sanctioning number for this behavior, so I can pass to the dev. team.


From: Nick Rutkowski
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:23 AM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Re: Friday Night Magic and midnight (Tournament Operations)

When you try to end an event after midnight WER won't let you. Its a program feature. In the past I've heard of judges “fixing” the clock on the computer to allow the event to end and then upload.

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July 17, 2014 11:42:07 AM

Nick Rutkowski
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Friday Night Magic and midnight

I don't have any examples myself. I've just heard of other stores doing it. It was awhile ago so I don't remember what store it was. I'll see if I can find someone with an example.

July 17, 2014 12:34:31 PM

Abeed Bendall
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Western Provinces

Friday Night Magic and midnight

Nick ive seen this issue before as the store i regularly judge FNM at runs two FNMs the 2nd almost always finishing around 12:30-1am. The message normally just states that there MAY be an issue since the dates of the two events dont match and they always seem to upload normally. I've yet to see a player not receive their PWP's from this or had any other issues with it not uploading because of this.

July 17, 2014 04:09:29 PM

Adam Hubble
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - South Central

Friday Night Magic and midnight


This may be of some use. An LGS ran a pre-release at 7:30pm Saturday and
did not finish until after midnight. They could initially not upload the
results (I don't know what the error message they got was, I wasn't
present). They went back into WER later on Sunday and saw that the option
to Upload was enabled and were able to upload without issue. The sanction
ID is 14-07-5263194

Adam Hubble
L2, Ridgeland, MS

July 17, 2014 05:04:00 PM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Friday Night Magic and midnight

Thanks. I do not see an error email associated. ☹


From: Adam Hubble
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:10 PM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Re: Friday Night Magic and midnight (Tournament Operations)


This may be of some use. An LGS ran a pre-release at 7:30pm Saturday and
did not finish until after midnight. They could initially not upload the
results (I don't know what the error message they got was, I wasn't
present). They went back into WER later on Sunday and saw that the option
to Upload was enabled and were able to upload without issue. The sanction
ID is 14-07-5263194

Adam Hubble
L2, Ridgeland, MS

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July 22, 2014 08:33:37 PM

Darren Horve
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Southwest

Friday Night Magic and midnight

My store regularly starts FNM at 1900hrs and finishes after midnight, we've never gotten a message like this that i know of.

July 31, 2014 12:14:02 PM

Matthew Turnbull
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Great Lakes

Friday Night Magic and midnight

Hey Andy, I have had this happen to me on numerous occasions at FNM when I forget to report it, and then it won't report the next day.

The most memorable occasion was a GPT that went past midnight, and I happen to have the sanctioning number here: 14-04-5037075.

Sept. 2, 2014 04:34:09 PM

Niklas Ramquist
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - North

Friday Night Magic and midnight

I have seen this issue many times, and it is pretty annoying when scheduling events at conventions, where the late events often cross midnight (at least at Swedish gaming conventions).

As far as I've seen, it is only an issue if you start a round after midnight. If your last round starts on the same date as the sanctioning date, you should be good to go, even if the event ends after midnight.

Sept. 6, 2014 06:50:29 AM

Jason Clark
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Western Provinces

Friday Night Magic and midnight

I've had it not let me pair the last round if it has passed the mid-night threshold. I don't have the numbers anymore though. Anything that could help with this, would be fantastic.

Sept. 6, 2014 06:55:40 AM

James Winward-Stuart
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials)), Tournament Organizer

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Friday Night Magic and midnight

As Nick mentioned above, WER is only checking your local system clock, so you could (technically speaking) just change the date & time on your computer back to before midnight. I don't know if that's seen as an acceptable fix policy-wise.

Sept. 7, 2014 06:43:53 PM

Gareth Pye
Judge (Level 2 (Oceanic Judge Association))

Ringwood, Australia

Friday Night Magic and midnight

As policy allows you to do it, just the software (may) have an issue, it's
something I'd definitely do before considering ending the tournament early
or anything else radical.

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:56 PM, James Winward-Stuart <> wrote:

> As Nick mentioned above, WER is only checking your local system clock, so
> you could (technically speaking) just change the date & time on your
> computer back to before midnight. I don't know if that's seen as an
> acceptable fix policy-wise.
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Gareth Pye
Level 2 Judge, Melbourne, Australia
Australian MTG Forum: -
“Dear God, I would like to file a bug report”

Sept. 8, 2014 03:50:46 AM

Martin Koehler
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

German-speaking countries

Friday Night Magic and midnight

I can also add something to this issue because I had experience with.

I scorekeeped a couple of big PTQs/WMCQs and I left sometimes the venue with the laptop after the start of top 8. The pairings for top 8 are fixed, so that for finishing the top 8 a laptop is not needed.

When I'm trying to enter the top 8 pairings on the next day, I get this error message. I usualy than export the event and send it to my local Wizards Office. Up to now, they were able to report the event. I already reported this as a bug, but the developers couldn't verify it (perhaps of my to short description back than). I'm going to report this again with a more detailed description in the hope to get it fixed.