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Competitive REL » Post: DEC with opponent confirmation

DEC with opponent confirmation

Aug. 17, 2014 09:07:37 AM

Andrea Sciarrotta
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Italy and Malta

DEC with opponent confirmation

Hi all

I've searched in the forum but maybe I'm not so good at it.
In the annotated IPG is said that if a player DEC with the confirmation of opponent is not DEC but a GRV will be issued.
The question is:is both side GRV or for the opponet is FTMGS?
Because in this case I see an “active” action by the opponet so for me is a good way to issue a double GRV.

Anyone can clarify this?

Thank you

Aug. 17, 2014 09:13:25 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

DEC with opponent confirmation

It's not double GRV.

The easy way to remember this: if it doesn't involve Path to Exile, then it almost certainly isn't double GRV.


Aug. 17, 2014 09:16:05 AM

David de la Iglesia
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - East

DEC with opponent confirmation

I wouldn't consider NAP confirming a draw an active involvement in the
illegal action taken by AP. I'd rule GRV+FtMGS here.

Quoting Toby Elliott on his Policy Perspectives blog post on the M15 IPG

It should only apply when one player performs a one-shot effect and the
other player gets involved in completing it (subsequently making a mistake).


Aug. 17, 2014 09:30:15 AM

Andrea Sciarrotta
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Italy and Malta

DEC with opponent confirmation

Precise and fast. Thank you )