As Pelle mentioned, feel free to try out We've gotten good feedback from both organizers and players here in Sweden.
My focus for the site has been to make it easy to use for organizers, and to make it simple to get the important information as a player.
Thus, as a player, once you've “logged in” by typing in your DCI-number, you will get your own table number and opponent presented to you at the front page, so that you only really need to visit the front page. If you want more information, you can of course dig down to player lists, full pairings and standings for all rounds in the tournament, as well as your event and match history. I've also tried to make the site easy to read on a mobile screen, as that is what matters on site at the tournament.
For the organizer, you only need to start the helper application, and tick the checkbox next to your event, and it will automatically upload pairings and results to the site at the start and end of every round, without the organizer needing to do anything else. The application will also by default only show you events from today, making it easy to find your event in the list.
There are still things to do, mainly regarding performance of full pairings/standings for large events, and better status feedback in the helper application. I also have an iOS app that can receive push notifications when you get new pairings that I have in working beta for myself and a couple of testers, but have not gotten around to finishing up for release yet. There is also an Android version that is working in the emulator, but as I have no android device, I've never been able to try it out for real :) I have not had too much time and energy to spend on the project the last couple of months, but the main functionality is working well. We've been using it for pretty much every tournament with more than 8 players at our LGS since january, as well as several bigger tournaments around Sweden.
If you have any problems, ideas or comments, feel free to post them here or fire off an email to