Edited Chase Culpon (Sept. 5, 2014 01:38:42 AM)
Originally posted by Marc DeArmond::-)
Kataki is not a card that will trigger. Technically the Birthing Pod is triggering with the ability given to it by Kataki.
Edited Michael Warme (Sept. 5, 2014 04:46:27 AM)
Originally posted by Michael Warme:For clarity, and everyone's understanding:
Although this is competitive REL, we're at a GPT–not a GP day 2 or a PTQ.
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:Yes, I was copy-pasta'ing and the rest of my response didn't go into the box, I had to edit with my reasoning. It seems to make a difference to me that we are in this situation the head judge of a much smaller tournament versus a floor judge at a larger event.Michael WarmeFor clarity, and everyone's understanding:
Although this is competitive REL, we're at a GPT–not a GP day 2 or a PTQ.
- GPT - Competitive REL
- PTQ - Competitive REL
- GP Day 2 - Professional REL
(just saying…)
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