IPG 2.5 - Game Play Error — Game Rule Violation
An error that an opponent can’t verify the legality of should have its penalty upgraded.
Edited Darcy Alemany (Oct. 29, 2014 02:23:24 PM)
Edited Talin Salway (Oct. 29, 2014 04:13:16 PM)
Originally posted by Talin Salway:
I still like treating this as a simultaneous infraction. Assuming we don't, however, we have to consider “when” to apply Brian's game loss - to game 1? or game 2?. A recent ‘O’fficial statement on this forums (link goes here when I find it) indicates that we should apply morph-related game losses such that it's actually a penalty. I.E., if a player would have otherwise won a game, they lose it. If a player lost the game, the GL should be applied to the next game.
So the new official way to handle a morph Game Loss is to always apply it to the game in which the failure to reveal occurred. You still issue it, even if the Game Loss itself may be irrelevant.
An error that an opponent can’t verify the legality of should have its penalty upgraded. These errors involve misplaying hidden information, such as the morph ability or failing to reveal a card to prove that a choice made was a legal one. If the information needed to verify the legality was ever in a uniquely identifiable position (such as on top of the library or as the only card in hand) after the infraction was committed, do not upgrade the penalty and reveal the information if possible.
The new official way to handle a morph Game Loss is to always apply it to the game in which the failure to reveal occurred. You still issue it, even if the Game Loss itself may be irrelevant.
“While Brian may be upset that he is receiving a Game Loss for something that the “judge caused,” it is still his responsibility to reveal Morph creatures when a game ends, regardless if it was due to a penalty or natural means. (We also wouldn't inform Brian to reveal that creature when we issue the initial Game Loss. We don't prevent play errors from occurring.)”I fully agree with it and had similar thought patterns while I was providing my initial answer, however I did not word it as well as I could have.
Originally posted by Aaron Huntsman:Talin Salway
I still like treating this as a simultaneous infraction. Assuming we don't, however, we have to consider “when” to apply Brian's game loss - to game 1? or game 2?. A recent ‘O’fficial statement on this forums (link goes here when I find it) indicates that we should apply morph-related game losses such that it's actually a penalty. I.E., if a player would have otherwise won a game, they lose it. If a player lost the game, the GL should be applied to the next game.
http://blogs.magicjudges.org/telliott/2014/09/23/ktk-policy-changes/So the new official way to handle a morph Game Loss is to always apply it to the game in which the failure to reveal occurred. You still issue it, even if the Game Loss itself may be irrelevant.
So there's that. Brian's loss will still apply to G1.
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