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Judge application on iOS

Oct. 30, 2014 03:30:22 AM

Judge (Uncertified)


Judge application on iOS


I have been browsing what I could theses days, and I am quite feared that there is no free Judge application developed on IoS.
I just got my Android Phone stolen and think that I already regret my beloved MTG Judge Core App now that I have an iPhone.

Am I mistaken or is there only MTG Guide (probably good but not free)?

Thanks for your help


Oct. 30, 2014 03:41:50 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Judge application on iOS

I know it's not free, but I've never regretted paying for MTG Guide.


Oct. 30, 2014 03:49:07 AM

Jack Doyle
Judge (Level 3 (UK Magic Officials)), Scorekeeper

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Judge application on iOS

Agreed with Scott, when I had an iPhone I found it did everything I wanted.

Oct. 30, 2014 04:02:28 AM

John Kmiecik
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Great Lakes

Judge application on iOS

Nothing even comes close to MTG Guide on iOS from what I have found. Money
well spent as it will allow you to display only Oracle text without
rulings/pricing etc. and had a deck list counter. The developer quickly
updates all documents when they're released, independent of the application
updating via the App Store.

On Wednesday, October 29, 2014, Théo CHENG <

Oct. 30, 2014 05:31:42 AM

Ryan Stapleton
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Judge application on iOS

If you really want free you can use iBooks and download my ePub formatted docs. They contain the data with a TOC and links.


Sent from my iPhone

Oct. 30, 2014 06:38:43 AM

Sierra Black
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Judge application on iOS

The only thing that MTG Guide is missing is a Draft Timer.

Oct. 30, 2014 08:03:42 AM

Judge (Uncertified)


Judge application on iOS


I am not against paying but since the app on android was free, I was asking myself is by any chance a free one could be there for IoS.

Well I am sure that will be well-spent money.

Oct. 30, 2014 04:00:56 PM

Shing Nien Fong
Judge (Uncertified)

Southeast Asia

Judge application on iOS

The other apps on iOS which is free which I use is MTGJudge (which I would not mind paying as well if it starts charging). It has a draft timer and decklist counter. The feature it lacks of is Oracle search by collector number, which is important when you are dealing with non-English cards.

Subject: Re: Judge application on iOS (Judging Technology)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 00:04:15 +0000


I am not against paying but since the app on android was
free, I was asking myself is by any chance a free one could be there
for IoS.

Well I am sure that will be well-spent

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Oct. 30, 2014 04:06:52 PM

Shing Nien Fong
Judge (Uncertified)

Southeast Asia

Judge application on iOS

Having posted the earlier through email, I went and check out the apps again and noticed it is no longer on apps store, and the database is out-dated. So please ignore my previous post.

Subject: RE: Judge application on iOS (Judging Technology)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 07:55:04 +0000

The other apps on iOS which is free which I use is MTGJudge (which I would not mind paying as well if it starts charging). It has a draft timer and decklist counter. The feature it lacks of is Oracle search by collector number, which is important when you are dealing with non-English cards.

Subject: Re: Judge application on iOS (Judging Technology)
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 00:04:15 +0000


I am not against paying but since the app on android was
free, I was asking myself is by any chance a free one could be there
for IoS.

Well I am sure that will be well-spent

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Oct. 30, 2014 04:22:01 PM

Shing Nien Fong
Judge (Uncertified)

Southeast Asia

Judge application on iOS

Okay… Note to self: never reply to thread using email…

anyway, Theo, if you are interested, MTGJudge is on

Oct. 30, 2014 11:04:14 PM

Topher Hickman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic

Judge application on iOS

Originally posted by Théo CHENG:

I am not against paying but since the app on android was free, I was asking myself is by any chance a free one could be there for IoS.

I would like to echo support for MTG Guide and also welcome you to Apple's ecosystem, where people pay money for quality design. You'll find a number of quality nonfree apps here whose Android counterparts are free or advertisement supported.

Oct. 31, 2014 04:01:06 AM

Judge (Uncertified)


Judge application on iOS

I am not denying that.

Just that judge core apps was simply amazing and free.

Oct. 31, 2014 06:53:35 AM

Martha Lufkin
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Judge application on iOS

Hm, I'm getting the error “currently not available in the US” when I try to reach the app store for Mtg-Judge from Github page link:

I'm not familiar with Github, perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

Mtg Guide meets most of my needs but as Seth said, it lacks a draft timer. And I use iSilo with Ryan's documents too, very helpful because you can set shortcuts to something you're always looking up.

Oct. 31, 2014 08:26:52 AM

Brandon DeJean
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - South Central

Judge application on iOS

For iOS, MTG Guide is amazing (it has everything besides a draft timer now). I also use MTGJudge for it's draft timer, however, it is no longer available in the iTunes app store, I'm not sure why.

MTG Guide is well worth the few bucks, especially after it added the deck counter.

I've recommended it to all of my judgelings in the past.

Brandon DeJean

Oct. 31, 2014 02:21:17 PM

Judge (Level 3 (Oceanic Judge Association)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Australia and New Zealand

Judge application on iOS

If you are desperately hard up, shooting the author of MTG Guide an email
and mentioning you're a judge could possibly score you a copy - he usually
brings a few to local events.

I've also been working with him on a draft timer feature, so potentially
expect that soon :)

Edited Fry (Oct. 31, 2014 02:21:38 PM)