Edited Pascal Gemis (Jan. 17, 2015 10:58:23 AM)
Originally posted by Pascal Gemis:Are you sure? What if in a different scenario player A has 10 creatures ready to attack, player N has 8 creatures to block. Player A calls you and asks you to tell him how to order his activated abilities and triggers so he can do 20 dmg to the oponent?
No probleM with helping
Originally posted by Petr Hudeček:
Scenario 2:
A player attacks with Hero of Bladehold and the opponent demands that the active player specify the order of the triggers on the stack. The active player calls a judge and says “I don't know how the stack works. I want to deal 7 damage to my opponent. Can you advise me on how to order the triggers?”
What should the judge say?
I am sorry, but I am not able to answer your question, since it is not a rules question. You might want to rephrase your question in a way that it is a rules question.
If I put the battlecry trigger on the stack first and then add the token trigger, will my token get the bonus?
If I put the battlecry trigger on the stack first and then add the token trigger, will I deal 7 damage?
I do not know how many damage you will deal, but your tokens will get the bonus.
Edited Jan Gräfen (Jan. 17, 2015 05:27:45 PM)
Just because we are at it and I was always kind of wondering:
If exactly this player approaches me between rounds and ask me how he should have stacked his triggers for maximum damage, can/should I then answer his question?
Originally posted by Petr Hudeček:Sounds like a rules question to me. Explain LIFO (Last In, First Out), and that one player who has two or more triggers fire at the same time gets to choose the order they go on the stack. (You could mention that it's a bit different when two+ players have triggers at the same time, but that's not immediately relevant, so don't linger long on that point.)
“I don't know how the stack works."
Edited Jeff S Higgins (Jan. 20, 2015 09:50:24 AM)
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