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Competitive REL » Post: UC - Bribery and Collusion, splitting and conceeding into top8

UC - Bribery and Collusion, splitting and conceeding into top8

March 14, 2015 06:12:56 AM

Graham Theobalds
Judge (Uncertified)

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

UC - Bribery and Collusion, splitting and conceeding into top8

I once had a player who was trying to get guidance on what he could or
could not get away with with the old trigger guidelines and he was
asking another judge in effect when he tried to cheat how can we prove
it. I took the judge aside as he was uncomfortable with this line of
talk. I then explained to the player that we dont have to prove anything
think. If we feel you are cheating you will be DQ`d and that will be the
end of the event for you. I then suggested it was not worth taking the
risk and pushing his luck. I never had any trouble from that player again.


On 13/03/2015 18:02, Andrew Heckt wrote: