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Project Recruitment & Help Wanted » Post: [Mystical Tutor] Solicitation for online judge development

[Mystical Tutor] Solicitation for online judge development

March 23, 2015 02:57:26 PM

Io Hughto

USA - Northwest

[Mystical Tutor] Solicitation for online judge development

Hi everyone,

I'm here to announce a phoenix of a project that is intended to help more remote judges learn about judging and the rules. This project was recently billed as eJudge and there has been a rather significant change in vision for the project, so we felt that re-branding and relaunching was necessary. Today, I bring to you the first solicitation for help for Mystical Tutor.

This will be a website that budding judges can visit to watch short, bite-sized presentations on a variety of topics ranging from the nitty-gritty rules stuff like “Layers: 1-6” to the more general judge-y topics like “Running your first event”. We expect each of these things to be about 5-10 minutes in length. These presentations, which are currently planned to use the Prezi platform, will also have voice-over tracks added to help engage the user further. We are also in the beginning phases of planning out something to keep users interested like unlocking achievements and badges as well as have live sessions (via some system like WebEx) where users will get a chance to learn directly from one of you with a scheduled live voice chat.

We feel that we have a pretty solid base to build on and we would like to release a new presentation every two weeks, which should be pretty manageable. Once we have a large library of presentations, I believe judges can start using these materials to teach their own local judge classes. Mystical Tutor is planned to be a rather robust platform and we're quite excited about it.

In order to make this project a success, we are going to need a few extra people to help with things like web design, presentation making, voice-over work, and helping with the more long-range planning (including eventual translation work). If you are interested in any way, please fill out this wonderful webform to let us know how you'd like to help:
