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Tournament Operations » Post: PPTQ Sealed Format: Is a top 8 draft required?

PPTQ Sealed Format: Is a top 8 draft required?

June 1, 2015 09:24:28 PM

Lisa Bieker
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Pacific Northwest

PPTQ Sealed Format: Is a top 8 draft required?


For the June 6 through August 16 PPTQs, some local TO's are planning to run Sealed format PPTQs using Modern Masters. A couple TO's have asked if a Top 8 draft playoff is required? Or can they have the players do the top 8 playoff using their deck from the Swiss portion of the event? The TO's are concerned with keeping their entry fee reasonable.

In the format information of, it states:

Formats for Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers vary by location, and can be one of the following formats:
- Modern
- Sealed Deck with a Top 8 Booster Draft playoff

BUT I am seeking an official confirmation since I have heard some sealed event playoffs being run with sealed pool.

Thank you.


Lisa Bieker

June 1, 2015 10:40:59 PM

Lisa Bieker
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

USA - Pacific Northwest

PPTQ Sealed Format: Is a top 8 draft required?

Please disregard my original posting. Thanks to Sean Hunt for the answer in another post: