Hello, fellow judges!
In order to make Irina Samonova's Card of the Week column available worldwide we've initiated the translation of the column into English. And as we started getting positive feedback from around the globe, we'd like to make the articles in English better.
So, we are looking for a native English speaker to help with proofreading the translations.
Hopefully, this is not really a time-consuming activity, so if you wish to help, please, contact Irina (
summoning@yandex.ru) or myself (
levkotlyar@yahoo.com) via email or private messages.
If you want to learn more about the project, check out the website:
http://mtg.summoning.ru/cards_eng/index.shtml English part is missing a LOT of content, but we are working on it. You can compare it with the list of cards available in Russian
UPDATE: So many have answered our call in such a short period of time, it's amazing! We've found a couple of proofreaders, so the case is closed, I guess. Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm!
P.S. Paul Baranay and Jeremy A. Smith, welcome aboard!
Edited Lev Kotlyar (Feb. 26, 2013 01:55:35 AM)