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Competitive REL » Post: Modified Single Elimination Bracket

Modified Single Elimination Bracket

Oct. 13, 2016 09:13:43 PM

Neil Meyer
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces

Modified Single Elimination Bracket

This article was published today on the mothership regarding Pro Tour Kaladesh.

It speaks about a modified single elimination bracket that will be used at PT Kaladesh.

We've seen test runs of such changes like the Vancouver Mulligan at PTs in the past.

I can definitely see the demand for this since it really looks like a feasible solution for those TOs and Players that disliked the “Drawing into Top 8”

I was wondering if this change to the top 8 bracket is also a test run?
If its deemed “successful” when could we anticipate using this modified bracket for other events?

Oct. 13, 2016 09:20:40 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Modified Single Elimination Bracket

I'm not going to call it a “test run”, but it's definitely something to be evaluated by Wizards' Organized Play. If they determine that it's appropriate for Pro Tour events, they'll likely repeat it; if they determine that it's appropriate for other events, they'll announce it (and change policy documents to reflect that).

For now - WAY too soon, dude. :)
