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Competitive REL » Post: Avacyn flipped trigger

Avacyn flipped trigger

Nov. 24, 2016 02:19:37 AM

Frankie Hughes
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific Northwest

Avacyn flipped trigger

Originally posted by Brian Schenck:

NAP's advancement of the active player's turn is… unorthodox.

I'm inclined to agree with this. According to OP, NAP flipped Avacyn and said trigger. AP responded to this with his actions. No specific trigger was specified, and since AP didn't agree that Avacyn was flipped, I'm of the opinion that he was responding to the flip trigger. This isn't Magic: The gotcha. NAP shouldn't be able to bypass resolving the flip trigger simply because he physically flipped the card over.

Edited Frankie Hughes (Nov. 24, 2016 02:21:45 AM)

Nov. 24, 2016 09:51:24 AM

Jacopo Strati
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program)), IJP Temporary Regional Advisor

Italy and Malta

Avacyn flipped trigger

In this situation I'd like to ask AP why he didn't specify the moment he was acting. It's true that NAP went too fast with his actions, but nothing suggests us that AP is really casting those cards before the transform trigger.
He states that he did only when the “3 damage to you” effect comes out (which is an “extra information” we could say).
This is a bit strange and not so ordinary to me (I'm used to players that usually say “before that I wanna do X”).
I think that some faults of this situation lie with AP. Both players communicated in a really poor way. And AP gained some sort of extra info acting in that way.
This particular thing makes me incline to rule that AP played in response of the “3 damage trigger” and not in response of the “transform” one.

Edited Jacopo Strati (Nov. 25, 2016 02:46:35 AM)