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Warning or not Warning

Jan. 6, 2017 04:57:51 AM

Emmanuel Gutierrez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Warning or not Warning

Hello fellow judges !

I've had quite an interesting discussions with friend judges today, about a case that happen rather often, but on which we not fully agree.

Here is the situation : April has a Honor's Reward and cast it. November asks her ‘so, do you bolster ?’ and April answers, 'yes, on my Bear Cub." So November says ‘ok, in answer to your Honor’s Reward, I will Shock your bear'.
April calls a judge who explains that the bolster choice is made on resolution and not when casting the spell, so she cannot Shock the Bear. Judge issues a GRV…

… but does he issue a Warning ? GRV-Warning ? Or nothing ?

That is where my friends and I disagree. Some of us tend to think that this a Game Error and a Warning has to be issued, but some of us say that as it is due to a comprehension error, no Warning has to be issued.

That's why I'm asking your advice - so our rulings can be more consistent :)

Nice day !

Edited Emmanuel Gutierrez (Jan. 6, 2017 05:44:32 AM)

Jan. 6, 2017 05:14:20 AM

Jorge Monteiro
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer


Warning or not Warning

I don't see any GPE or GRV here. The only problem seems to determine if Honor's Reward as resolved or not.

Anyway, if you “issue” an infraction, there should always be a penalty.

Jan. 6, 2017 05:15:52 AM

Gareth Tanner
Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Warning or not Warning

If you are issuing a Game Rule Violation then you need to issue a Warning, there is no option to issue a GRV without a warning. If you think this is a simple error that is fixed by simply explaining to November they don't have priority to cast shock before the Bear is Bolstered but not a GRV then you don't issue an infraction or penalty

Jan. 6, 2017 05:31:52 AM

Alex de Bruijne
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


Warning or not Warning

I've had a very similiar situation come up during GP Rotterdam.

A player tried to cast a buff spell between hearing the amount of energy chosen for Harnessed Lightning and dealing the damage.

The appeals judge ruled in the end that this was a GRV as the player tried to play a spell when he had no priority.
Ruling was GRV warning, as you cannot give a GRV without a warning.
The fix was to perform a simple backup to the point where Harnessed lightning is resolving and the buff spell in hand.

Jan. 6, 2017 05:43:45 AM

Emmanuel Gutierrez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Warning or not Warning

Yes actually, GRV means Warning. My sentence “he issues a GRV… but does he issue a Warning” is indeed not correct but should be “he issues… either GRV-W or nothing” :)

/go grab coffee

I'm actually in favor of issuing a GRV for the exact reason Alex says : because the player tries to play a spell while not having priority. But some tend to think that as it is a comprehension and communication problem no penalty should be issued :). I also understand that, but i'm not feeling well with the idea that we have 2 different “policies” on the same case inside the program. Because of consistency.

Jan. 6, 2017 06:18:27 AM

Dustin De Leeuw
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer


Warning or not Warning

I believe it may very well be a “comprehension and communication problem”, but that doesn't really matter: November tried to do something that Violates the Game Rules, and that needs to be fixed. You educate November about why this is illegal and how bolster/priority works. And yes, obviously this needs to be accompanied by a Warning, as is speled out in MIPG 1.1 Definition of Penalties: “The purpose of a Warning is to alert judges and players involved that a problem has occurred and to keep a permanent record of the infraction in the DCI Penalty Database.”

Please also pay attention to that very last part of the sentence: we want to keep track of it. Now November has been educated, I would strongly dislike her to make the same error again and again, claiming ignorance… So please, follow the full procedure: somethign went wrong and needed fixing and educating, what went wrong classifies as a GRV and we always give a Warning for that.

Jan. 6, 2017 07:28:58 AM

Luke May
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Warning or not Warning

I want to add some thoughts on this…

November asks “do you bolster?” and April answers “yes, on my bear cub”

November didn't ask what the target was, November just asked the question “do you bolster?”

November can respond to the Honor's Reward once it is cast and shock the Bear Cub which currently sits at 2/2

April may have done better to say “Yes, I will bolster” and not mention targets.

April also can target something else with bolster if November responds in this way.

November is cheeky and is obviously asking this to try and gain and advantage, but is doing so in a way where I can't see it. If November asked something like “what are you chosing to Bolster” and once April responds “my Bear Cub” then it is illegal for November to then target the Bear Cub as November has communicated a sentence which shows understanding that the spell has resolved.

Despite November being cheeky, I feel that Novembers question isn't actually breaking any communication policies.

I'd like to hear more on this, because I'm possibly misunderstood here on my Communications knowledge or in how I define wording in sentences.

Jan. 6, 2017 07:43:24 AM

Dustin De Leeuw
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer


Warning or not Warning

I honestly have no clue what “do you bolster” means. It's not a choice, the spell doesn't say “you may bolster”. So what other interpretation can be given to that statement than “which creature do you bolster”? I could go for “does that spell have bolster?” if the card is in a foreign language, but that's where I draw the line.

I don't really care about the exact words that were used; communication can be hard enough between palyers, especially if they don't share a native tongue.

Jan. 6, 2017 08:44:00 AM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Warning or not Warning

Originally posted by Luke May:

November didn't ask what the target was,
perhaps because Bolster doesn't target?

As Dustin said, it's a very weird question - and, for me, November is allowing Honor's Reward to resolve; too late to respond. If the Bear Cub is the only legal choice (i.e., the only creature April controls, or all others have 3+ toughness), then November might be able to argue that the question was “does that spell Bolster?” and not asking for the choice made on resolution.

I've said it many times, and it remains valid: players need to ask better questions.


Jan. 7, 2017 04:37:40 AM

Lev Kotlyar
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Europe - North

Warning or not Warning

Emmanuel, I would like to clarify one thing about the scenario. Have November started casting Shock? (i.e. was the card shown at least?) Or was it just a conversation that has taken place before the judge got involved?

Jan. 7, 2017 05:10:47 AM

Emmanuel Gutierrez
Judge (Level 5 (International Judge Program))


Warning or not Warning

She already started the casting, like having pointed the bear Cub with her Shock and tapped (or not ?) her mana

Jan. 8, 2017 04:40:06 AM

Judge (Uncertified)


Warning or not Warning

I have encountered this kind of situation several times now, and the error is due most of the time to the fact that players do not know that choices are made at the resolution and targetting as we cast a spell and often cannot see the differencs. In this case I fully agree with Alex and Dustin here.

By the way, if it is not an issue of rules understanding, it can fall into the shortcuts about choices of a spell depending on how the communication went between players

Jan. 9, 2017 06:31:09 PM

Mark Mason
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Warning or not Warning

I agree with Scott. Asking about the bolster is like asking me what I'm naming with Pithing needle. It means you've allowed the spell to resolve. Now, if the spell has resolved, there's no problem shocking the bear cub who is now a 4/4 …bolster doesn't make the cub have hexproof.

So I see no rule violation. But there is a “penalty” of having lost a shock. Am I wrong on this? I seem in the minority here.

Jan. 9, 2017 10:27:45 PM

Dominik Chłobowski
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Warning or not Warning

In the scenario, November explicitly said “ok, in answer to your Honor’s
Reward”. This is why we GRV instead of assuming he's used the Shock after
the spell has resolved.

2017-01-09 19:32 GMT-05:00 Mark Mason <

Jan. 10, 2017 01:56:38 AM

Toby Hazes
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Academy))


Warning or not Warning

Originally posted by Mark Mason:

I agree with Scott. Asking about the bolster is like asking me what I'm naming with Pithing needle. It means you've allowed the spell to resolve. Now, if the spell has resolved, there's no problem shocking the bear cub who is now a 4/4 …bolster doesn't make the cub have hexproof.

So I see no rule violation. But there is a “penalty” of having lost a shock. Am I wrong on this? I seem in the minority here.

We take into consideration player intent. Some plays can be interpreted in two ways, an illegal one that AP wanted and a legal one. We often interpret it as the first then.

A similar scenario is:
AP: “attacks?”
NAP: “sure”
AP: "crew my copter skiff“
NAP: ”judge!"

We could say that AP crewed when he had priority in Declare Attackers so he skipped his chance to declare attackers, but instead we'll say that he tried to crew at a time he couldn't and is now still able to declare non-skiff attackers.

Edited Toby Hazes (Jan. 10, 2017 01:57:12 AM)